Patch 0.6 - Introducing Phase!
By sacrilege — April 17, 2023
It's the start of Early Access Season 2 for Predecessor, and a bunch of new features and changes are here — for both Predecessor, and! Your in-game account level will be reset for the new season, and new rewards such as skins and portrait icons will be unlocked based on your final level in season one.
This update is the first of many to help Predecessor achieve its vision of a higher, slower time-to-kill (TTK), reducing fights that are over in a flash in favor of more extended, engaging combat. Slower TTKs offer more competitive experiences, allowing more skilled players to turn around and win fights that they would've lost in low TTK combat (such as in games like Call of Duty).
A major new feature for Predecessor launches today with the introduction of a Replay System! This allows matches to be replayed with a spectator view, which will be useful not just for those looking to improve themselves and analyze their own gameplay but also for those who enjoy arranging and running tournaments.
New Hero: Phase
Phase launches with today's update, bringing a new support to the fight! Her ability to link with teammates, buffing and moving them offers new strategies and counterplays for lane matchups and teamfights. Updates
We've got a ton of new features here on! Our hero pages now offer difficulty estimates, base and max level stats, pick rates and win rates over the past seven days as well as how those rates have changed from the previous week, and leaderboards showing who has played each hero the most.
Speaking of players, we also have player look-up functionality in the sidebar — look up any player (including yourself) to see an array of interesting stats, as well as recent match history.
Going hand-in-hand with this is a comprehensive match browser, with all new matches being logged and available to look at within 10 minutes of finishing.
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W