Morigesh May 16, 2023
Win Rate (November 29 — December 6) 0%
Morigesh Skills & Abilities
Morigesh's damaging abilities apply Pestilence for 4s, dealing 0.5% (+0.15% per 75 Magical Power) of the target's maximum health as magical damage every 0.5s.
Subsequent damaging abilities against a target affected by Pestilence will refresh the duration and spread the effect to nearby enemy targets.
Ranged basic attack dealing 54 + 60% physical damage.
Select an enemy hero to deal 80 + 40% magical damage and transforming your Voodoo Doll into their image, allowing them to be targeted by Curse.
Throw a hive of insects which explodes dealing 60 + 50% magical damage and slowing targets hit by 10% for 3s.
Become the swarm, gaining 20% movespeed and 20% damage mitigation for 3s. Passing through enemy targets deals 80 + 65% magical damage.
Dealing damage to an enemy hero will restore 20 + 6% health, increased by up to 6x based on your missing health.
After a brief channel, summon a horde of insects to stab the Marked target, dealing 250 + 75% magical damage.
The Mark is removed upon casting this ability.
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W