Predecessor Patch 0.3
By sacrilege — January 20, 2023
Predecessor's first major content patch drops January 24 and brings the much-awaited Revenant to haunt those carry lanes! Watch out for his ability to readily focus down enemy carries and supports via Reckoning.
The patch also brings its fair share of buffs and nerfs, particularly around mages, as well as a bunch of item changes — these include a number of item name changes too, such as Bloodlust renaming to Bloodletter, and Leviathan changing to
Tainted Bastion. Expect some existing builds here on to be slightly broken due to this change.
Let's dive in to the new patch.
New hero: Revenant
The fourth carry to be added to Predecessor, Revenant prefers a slow, bursty playstyle which can quickly chunk an enemy's health, and excels at tankbusting and execution. Every fourth shot is a guaranteed crit, with bonus damage based on the target's missing health, and his ultimate Reckoning pulls both him and his unlucky victim away from their teams into a separate realm for a short time.
Quality of Life Improvements
Creep score bounties will increase the bounty accrued from killing an enemy player when their team is significantly ahead of your own. Previously this only accounted for that player's own kill streak, but the new CS bounties will also factor in how far ahead they were on creep score relative to your own team. This should help alleviate runaway matches and help catch up from a weak or unlucky early game.
New post-match screens are coming with additional stat details and a quick "add to friends list" function. Player profile icons are also selectable, as the first step of full customizable player profiles.
Patch NotesJanuary 24, 2023
Passive healing no longer triggers from damaging minions.
The Fey
Bramble Patch
Base damage has been increased. 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 24090 / 125 / 160 / 195 / 230
Harvest Nettles
Base damage has been increased. 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 18070 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210
Scaling has been decreased. 60%55%
Projectile speed has been increased.
Fly Trap
Tentacle break distance has been decreased.
Pull delay has been increased.
Cosmic Rift
Base damage has been increased. 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310100 / 160 / 220 / 280 / 340
Scaling has been decreased. 70%60%
Void Breach
Scaling has been decreased. 60%55%
Cooldown has been decreased. 9s9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7s
R2000 Missile
Delay after firing has been decreased.
Slow Grenades
Grenade count has been decreased. 1611
Secondary base damage has been increased. 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 256 / 12 / 18 / 24/ 30
Secondary scaling has been increased. 4%6%
Alchemical Rod
Mana per stack has been decreased. 84
Renamed from Bloodlust to prevent possible confusion with Grux's passive of the same name.
Azure Core
Mana per stack has been decreased. 84
Mana has been increased. 200300
Magical power has been increased. 5060
Magical lifesteal has been decreased. 15%10%
Tenacity has been replaced with ability haste. 15 tenacity10 ability haste
Recipe has been changed and is now Blood Tome +
Violet Brooch +
Leech has been replaced with Vital Bond: Gain (0.5% bonus health) ability haste per 50 magical power.
Golem's Gift
Magical power has been decreased. 7060
Artillery Golem has been renamed to Stone Skin.
Stone Skin magical power and physical armor have been decreased. 4030
Stone Skin stacks lost per incoming damage have been decreased. 106
Oblivion Crown
Annihilate magical power bonus has been decreased. 35%15%
New passive Oblivion: Your next instance of ability damage against an Enemy Hero will deal an additional 8% of their current health as magic damage and increase their magical damage taken by 10% for 3s - 30s CD.
Tainted Scepter
Malice damage per stack has been decreased. 65
Malice now gains 1% magical power per stack.
Tainted Bastion
Leviathan has been renamed to Tainted Bastion.
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W