Season One Roadmap
By Sacrilege — January 1, 2023
It's 2023, which means Predecessor season one is well underway!
The development team over at Omeda Studios recently unveiled their tentative roadmap for season one, including new hero releases, player rewards, and play options. Let's dive in.
New Heroes
Predecessor currently feels a little light on carries, so AD aficionados will be pleased to see that new carry Revenant will be released very soon! We'll have a full hero page for this mysterious hunter as he stalks the Countess once he goes live.
In the months to follow, Revenant's release will be swiftly followed up by K-Pop-esque assassin Shinbi — one of the most popular (and divisive) heroes from the original Paragon — as well as the Huntress, Predecessor's first uniquely designed hero, who certainly gives us Diablo demon hunter vibes.
We're very excited to see how Omeda have chosen to craft a brand new hero, and are sure she'll turn heads upon her tentative release in March.
Progression Rewards
Dedicated players will be happy to see that their grinding that player level will start to pay off with the season rewards announced. Exclusive profile icons and skins are available to unlock, with store credit granted every ten levels between levels 50 and 300. Grind out some currency and pick up some awesome skins once the store goes live!
Player levels will reset at the start of each season, which currently looks like three seasons per year at four months long each. Exclusive, later-unobtainable cosmetics are always fun to show off, so if the preview images of the countess and huntress skins pique your interest, be sure to get playing. If the skins go live in-game before season end, we'll display them here on for you to check out and judge for yourself.
New Features
Onboarding for new players is tough; players unfamiliar with the original Paragon can struggle with the quirks and aim-based focus of third-person perspective, and those who don't have a MOBA background have a doubly difficult time learning the multitude of systems and mechanics. Thankfully, both an early tutorial system and solo vs. bots matches are in the works, which will be key to helping new players learn the ropes and stick around, which is absolutely crucial for the longevity and success of redecessor.
Custom games will also be available for players, whether you're looking to set up friendly scrims, amateur tournaments, or simply explore the map and acquaint yourself with the flow and location of everything — especially useful for newbie junglers!
Spectator mode and match replays will also be available, essential for aforementioned community tournament setups.
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W