Patch 0.9: Twinblast Arrives!
By sacrilege — July 11, 2023
One of the OGs of Paragon, the gunslinging rascal TwinBlast has finally arrived in Predecessor!
Patch V0.8 - Greystone Releases!
By sacrilege — June 13, 2023
Predecessor patch 0.8 releases today, with a small number of tweaks and balance changes alongside the release of offlane brawler Greystone! This sword and board warrior serves as an easy to learn offlaner/fighter, and he is ideal for newer players to pick up.
Read full article »Balance Patch 0.7.2 Now Live
By sacrilege — May 30, 2023
Today's balance patch is expected to have significant impact. It is anticipated that this patch will mark the culmination of efforts to address Time To Kill (TTK) improvements in Predecessor. The objective is to create a mid-late game environment that promotes more back and forth gameplay, tense fights, and rewarding counterplay.
A major aspect of this process involves adjusting the base stats of heroes. Many heroes currently have varied base stats that were once suitable but have become unsuitable due to changes made during Early Access. The aim is to make most heroes more durable, even in the early game, primarily due to a decrease in crest sustain from the previous update. This change ensures that damage has a greater impact. However, a few heroes will be made slightly squishier in certain cases, and the reasoning behind these adjustments will be explained on a case-by-case basis.
In addition, there will be significant changes to items. Many passives that contribute to shorter TTK scenarios will lose their additional effects, which often overload the gameplay. These effects will be trimmed, reduced, or reworked.
Furthermore, a few items will be reworked to enable tanks to fulfill a more utility-focused and durable role within a team. This will also provide players with more options to deal with tanks through specific itemization. With the introduction of tanks' new crests, the intention is to align their regular items with a similar playstyle. Their stats will be reduced to introduce more durable and utility-oriented effects.
Future patches may make adjustments to the changes introduced in this patch as the balance and design continue to be refined and honed towards Omeda's TTK goals. Expect reactive changes in the coming weeks based on feedback around how the current itemization and meta shakes out.
Predecessor Patch 0.7
By sacrilege — May 12, 2023
Patch 0.7 goes live May 16, bringing voodoo midlaner Morigesh as well as a slew of balance changes intended to further slow down time-to-kill (TTK), reduce sustain across the board, and make skillfully trading blows in lane phases more impactful. Support hero Phase has also been readjusted, adding healing and more universally helpful buffs to her kit to help her feel more viable in the current meta.
Notably, while Phase was planned to be the last of the freely unlocked heroes available in Predecessor for all founder's pack owners (as the only way to currently play the game in Early Access), a system for unlocking future heroes isn't quite ready for primetime, so Morigesh will also be free to all players on release.
Finally, an early version of a tutorial has been added to the game, which is a welcome addition to help onboard players both new to Predecessor, and to the MOBA genre as a whole. We're also working on a comprehensive Beginner's Guide here on which we're hoping to launch soon!
While the patch notes go into effect May 16, we'll be applying the changes to heroes and items across the site immediately, making it easy for you to analyze and prepare for the patch.
Read full article »Morigesh coming to Predecessor!
By sacrilege — May 10, 2023
The next hero to arrive in Predecessor has been revealed to be Morigesh, The Drowned Forest!
Morigesh is a close-range mage specializing in damage over time, spreading diseases and debuffing her enemies. Her kit allows her to constantly pressure her opponents while sustaining herself through damage. Her ultimate, Curse is a spike of damage which can hit an enemy player she has previously marked, regardless of distance, making Morigesh excellent at securing kills.
Predecessor Balance Patch 0.6.5
By sacrilege — May 2, 2023
Predecessor balance patch 0.6.5 releases today, bringing a few changes that will help Grux and especially Phase to be more in line with other heroes. Phase is particular has struggled since her debut, currently sitting on a measly 31.53% pickrate and 41.62% win rate over the past seven days.
Midlane terror Howitzer is seeing a nerf to his grenade damage output, while some items are being adjusted to improve combat flow (particularly early game) and work towards Omeda's vision for higher TTK battles.
Patch NotesMay 02, 2023
New skins are available in the store: Red Death Kallari, and Siege-Breaker Crunch.
As mentioned already we're giving the Rhino some love this week, buffing his passive to help keep the bleed relevant even in the later stages of the game, which until now has become especially unnoticeable when your opponents start to pick up more sustain. We're also pumping up his Double Pain a bit to help him retain some laning strength against matchups that he really should be winning (*stares at Sevarog*).
Base damage has been increased. +2 per level+3 per level
Double Pain
Base damage has been increased. 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 9020 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
Physical power scaling has been decreased. 80%70%
Howitzer continues to be a problem to the current meta so we're gonna be a problem to him. We're continuing to target his damage potential, particularly his Slow Grenades, helping decrease his zone potential and lower how reliably he can poke from a distance.
Slow Grenades
Base damage has been decreased. 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 15030 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110
Secondary damage has been decreased. 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 306 / 10 / 14 / 18 / 22
It's no big secret that Phase has struggled a little bit since her release, so we're lending her a hand in the early laning phase with some base damage bumps and uptime changes on her Energy Lance ability. We'll be looking into further changes for her down the road but they'll require more testing that we could squeeze in ahead of this balance pass, so you can expect those at a slightly later date.
Base physical power (at level 1) has been increased. 4652
Energy Lance
Base damage has been increased. 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 12060 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180
Bonus damage has been decreased. 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 12030 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90
Scaling has been increased. + 40%+ 50%
Bonus scaling has been decreased. + 40%+ 25%
Cooldown has been decreased. 20s / 18.5s / 17s / 15.5s / 14s18s / 17s / 16s / 15s / 14s
True Strike physical power scaling has been decreased. + 50%+ 40%
Azure Core
Arcane Magic maximum mana scaling has been decreased. 4%3.5%
Basilisk —
Deathstalker —
Ruthless Broadsword —
Corrode has been adjusted, with its physical armor shred reduced from 5% per stack to 4%, while duration increases from 2s to 3s.
Corrode stacks now fall off altogether, instead of individually.
Pyro base damage has been decreased. 7055
Pyro cooldown has been increased. 12s15s
Crystalline Cuirass
Health has been increased. 200275
Volatile maximum health scaling has been decreased. 3%2%
Immobilizer shred has been decreased. 30%20%
Immobilizer shred duration has been decreased. 4s3s
Demise damage per stack has been decreased. 105
Splice bonus physical penetration per stack has been decreased. 43
Splice bonus movespeed per stack has been decreased. 4%3%
World Breaker
Fiend bonus magical damage per stack has been decreased. 4%3%
Wraith Leggings
Carnage bonus magical damage has been decreased. 20%15%
Wishlist Predecessor on PS5!
By sacrilege — April 21, 2023
While console players always long to see their favorite early-access titles make their way over to console, it's typically a long wait — developing and testing for console platforms is complex and very expensive, meaning most titles wait until full release before considering console availability.
However, Predecessor fans, you're in luck! Predecessor is now available to wishlist on the PlayStation store, meaning that you'll be notified the moment the game will become available. Furthermore, wishlisting helps developers, publishers and the platform owners gauge interest, so the more people who add Predecessor to their wishlist, the faster the game may arrive on your PS5.
If you're a PlayStation owner, you can wishlist Predecessor via the PlayStation Store.
Season Two Roadmap Revealed!
By sacrilege — April 20, 2023
The roadmap for Predecessor season two has been unveiled, with a swath of exciting new changes and content announced!
Season Two will continue the cadence of releasing a new hero each month, starting with Phase's recent release. A new midlaner will be coming in May, which the community has guessed may be Iggy & Scorch, Morigesh, or Wraith. A new offlane hero will be releasing in June, with Seraph, Greystone, and Zinx currently being the most popular community guesses. Finally, just like Kira a brand new Omeda designed hero will be releasing in July!
An important factor to note about hero releases moving forward is that all future heroes must be unlocked, either via real money (platinum) or via a free grind, which developer Omeda will discuss closer to the release of the next hero.
Solo/Duo Ranked mode is coming! For those of you looking to test your mettle against the best Predecessor has to offer, this new ranked ladder will offer a more competitive experience alongside its own rewards. More information to come later.
Patch 0.6 - Introducing Phase!
By sacrilege — April 17, 2023
It's the start of Early Access Season 2 for Predecessor, and a bunch of new features and changes are here — for both Predecessor, and! Your in-game account level will be reset for the new season, and new rewards such as skins and portrait icons will be unlocked based on your final level in season one.
This update is the first of many to help Predecessor achieve its vision of a higher, slower time-to-kill (TTK), reducing fights that are over in a flash in favor of more extended, engaging combat. Slower TTKs offer more competitive experiences, allowing more skilled players to turn around and win fights that they would've lost in low TTK combat (such as in games like Call of Duty).
A major new feature for Predecessor launches today with the introduction of a Replay System! This allows matches to be replayed with a spectator view, which will be useful not just for those looking to improve themselves and analyze their own gameplay but also for those who enjoy arranging and running tournaments.
New Hero: Phase
Phase launches with today's update, bringing a new support to the fight! Her ability to link with teammates, buffing and moving them offers new strategies and counterplays for lane matchups and teamfights. Updates
We've got a ton of new features here on! Our hero pages now offer difficulty estimates, base and max level stats, pick rates and win rates over the past seven days as well as how those rates have changed from the previous week, and leaderboards showing who has played each hero the most.
Speaking of players, we also have player look-up functionality in the sidebar — look up any player (including yourself) to see an array of interesting stats, as well as recent match history.
Going hand-in-hand with this is a comprehensive match browser, with all new matches being logged and available to look at within 10 minutes of finishing.
Predecessor Patch 0.5
By sacrilege — March 21, 2023
Predecessor patch 0.5 is now live, bringing a bunch of balance changes as well as brand new hero Kira, the Huntress!
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W