Predecessor Patch 0.5
By sacrilege — March 21, 2023
Predecessor patch 0.5 is now live, bringing a bunch of balance changes as well as brand new hero Kira, the Huntress!
Patch NotesMarch 21, 2023
Versus AI now grants account XP.
New skins are available in the store: Arctic Frost Dekker, Cardinal Sin Kira, and Wasteland Howitzer.
Dekker is still a fairly solid pick within the current meta, however she tends to be outshined by her enchanter friends in the Support roles. We’d like to give her more direct buffs by making her Stasis bombs a bit easier to land directly, her cage a bit more reliable and shifting the cage numbers a bit to incentivise earlier levels in Photon Disruptor after Stasis Bomb.
Stasis Bomb projectile is now significantly faster.
Rocket Boots
Cooldown is no longer affected by ability haste, and now instead scales from 18s to 9.5s based on character level.
Containment Fence
Duration has been adjusted. 2.25s / 2.5s / 2.75s / 3s / 3.25s2.4s / 2.6s / 2.8s / 3s / 3.2s
Lately Drongo has seen a bump in early power due to damage being shifted away from crit and into his levels. This has allowed him to more safely enter Solo lanes in some niche scenarios. We’re decreasing his early game durability and damage a small amount to lessen his early presence and allow Solo laners more opportunities to deal with him.
Starting health has been decreased. 615600
Starting physical power has been decreased. 5553
Shock Absorber
Cooldown is no longer affected by ability haste, and now instead scales from 26.4s to 6s based on character level.
Cosmic Power
Cooldown is no longer affected by ability haste, and now instead scales from 18s to 9s based on character level.
Armed Salvo
Cooldown is no longer affected by ability haste, and now instead scales from 16s to 7.5s based on character level.
Omen was an item that never interacted well with the Kallari’s kit. These changes will allow her to very quickly access both her stealth and Death Mark when applying them with the same basic attack.
Omen's passive cooldown reduction will now apply to Shadow Walk and Death Mark when applied with the same basic attack.
Shadow Dance
Cooldown is no longer affected by ability haste, and now instead scales from 20s to 3s based on character level.
Khaimera has been abusing Ashbringer above most other on-hit effects recently. We’ll look to resolve those with on-hit modifiers in future, but until then we’re making his Q ability behave like other Heroes’ abilities by not allowing the cooldown to start until it has expired. This means he can still stack up Ashbringer, but will not have his Q available instantly again.
Cooldown now only begins once all five hits have occured, or once the duration expires.
Cooldown has been decreased. 13s / 11s / 9s / 7s / 5s10s / 8.5s / 7s / 5.5s / 4s
Shots Fired
Cooldown is no longer affected by ability haste, and now instead scales from 12.5ss to 4s based on character level.
Shield Bash
Stun duration has been increased. 0.3s0.5s
Magical armor has been increased. 1012
Barbed Pauldron
Physical armor has been increased. 2535
Horned Plate
Physical armor has been increased. 2530
Polar Treads
Magical armor has been increased. 1215
Anon passive shield scaling has been decreased. + 100%+ 80%
Fire Blossom
Health has been increased. 225275
Physical armor has been increased. 5060
Hexbound Bracers
Physical armor has been increased. 5060
Meditation passive mana level deactivation has been decreased. 60%50%
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W