Predecessor Patch v0.3.2
By sacrilege — February 3, 2023
A new Predecessor balance update arrives February 7th, aiming to continue tweaking mages towards more glass cannon rather than tanky yet powerful; this includes the gimmicky tank Countess build terrorizing the battlefields as of late.
Hero and tower scaling have also been affected with the intent of making the early laning phase a little longer and more fruitful, as heroes receive more health and mana early on (scaling less towards late game), as well as towers receiving a small boost to their durability.
Timewarp has been reworked and is no longer a staple item for supports.
Matchmaking has also been a little divisive, with Predecessor's "Party Modifier" — a boosting of a party's combined MMR to compensate for the major benefits of being grouped and on comms — apparently being a little too strong, particularly for high MMR matches. The party modifier will be dialed down a little, meaning players who play in groups should have an easier time. As a solo player myself I'll keep a close eye on this change, as people playing in stacks typically already have colossal advantages, and we don't want pubstomping to be rampant.
Note that we've added these stat changes to our database, so you can immediately look at the new versions of heroes and items changed with this patch.
Let's see what's coming February 7th.
Patch NotesFebruary 7, 2023
Health and mana regen in base increased for all heroes. 12.5% per second18% per second
Timewarp has been reworked due to its problematic nature, pushing this to more of a late game tech option due to a higher statline. We understand that this will be less viable on Supports as a result and we will be looking to improve Support itemization in a future balance pass.
Reworked into a new item:
+100 Magical Power
+15 Physical Armor
+15 Ability Haste
Ferrumancer: Casting an ability grants 6 magical power and 3 physical armor for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
Chime: Every 5 seconds, subtract 0.5s from all current ability cooldowns.
New recipe: Abyssal Bracers + .
Based on feedback we've received from the community we're increasing his rate of fire. We’re also looking to increase the damage on his 4th shot specifically against high health targets to emphasize his trading pattern in lane and to make sure that his 4th hit feels much more impactful. His base power and Obliterate damage have been reduced to compensate and make him more about poking with his 4th auto rather than just shoving. Alongside this comes QoL changes to make Obliterate better track your target to help avoid those pesky near misses. Speaking of Obliterate, magical power scaling has been increased and has been added to Scar to better pair with enchanters that can build Crystal Tear to increase his damage. What this means is that magical power Revenant may now be a thing if you're feeling spicy!
Base physical power has been decreased. 5752
Base attack timer has been decreased. 1.1s1.01s
Base attack timer reduction per level has been decreased. 0.018s0.014s
Base damage has been decreased. 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 16050 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130
Scaling has been decreased. 50%40%
Consecutive missile modifier has been increased. 15%20%
Magical scaling has been increased. 75%100%
Range has been increased. 1500u1750u
Cone angle has been decreased. 60°55°
Hellfire Rounds
Base missing health damage has been decreased. 6%4%
Modified critical damage has been increased. 125% / 135% / 145% / 155% / 165% / 175%140% / 147% / 154% / 161% / 168% / 175%
Bonus magical damage has been decreased. 15%10%
New: added magical power scaling. N/A80%
Blood Tithe
Magical lifesteal per stack has been decreased. 2%1.5%
Blade Siphon
Base healing per target has been decreased. 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 1810 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
Healing scaling has been increased. 5%6%
Base damage has been decreased. 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 28080 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260
Scaling has been increased. 70%75%
Feng Mao
Earth Shatter
Physical power scaling has been decreased. 80%70%
Execute physical power scaling has been decreased. 100%80%
Execute physical penetration scaling has been increased. 250%350%
The Fey
Base health at level 1 has been increased. 560590
Bramble Patch
Scaling has been increased. 55%60%
Cosmic Rift
Scaling has been increased. 65%70%
Mana cost has been increased. 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 10080 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Torn Space
Mana cost has been increased. 6080
R2000 Missile
Scaling has been increased. 70%75%
Attack speed has been decreased. 120110
Attack speed scaling per level has been decreased. 3.32.8
Crippling Dagger
Scaling has been decreased. 90%85%
Lt. Belica
Seismic Assault
Scaling has been increased. 65%70%
Cooldown has been decreased. 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 1416 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12
Void Drone
Scaling has been increased. 20%30%
Void Bomb
Base damage has been increased. 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 26080 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280
Health per level has been increased. 8488
Consecrated Ground
Mana cost has been decreased. 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
Base mana at level 1 has been increased. 380480
Mana per level has been decreased. 7060
Mana regen per level has been increased. 11.5
Song Of My People
Mana cost per second has been flattened. 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 3020
Healing per second has been increased. 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 259 / 13 / 17 / 21 / 25
Beatdrop stacking per second has been increased. 12
Mana cost has been increased. 5060
Base health at level 1 has been decreased. 560540
Health growth per level has been increased. 92102
Base physical armor at level 1 has been increased. 2831
Damage has been increased. 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 10530 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110
Phantom Rush
Cooldown has been decreased. 24s / 21s / 18s / 15s / 12s20s / 18s / 16s / 14s / 12s
Shield Bash
Damage has been decreased. 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 17040 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Stun duration has been decreased. 0.5s0.3s
Range has been decreased. 325u300u
Force Shield
Damage has been decreased. 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 22030 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110
Rebirth marker duration has been decreased. 6s4s
Damage has been decreased. 2012
Bonus damage vs. monsters has been increased. 50%100%
Demise scaling has been decreased. 30%10%
Astral Catalyst
Magical power has been increased. 5060
Mana has been decreased. 350300
Azure Core
Arcane Magic scaling has been increased. 3%4%
Pyro damage has been decreased. 8070
Pyro scaling has been increased. 10%18%
Total cost has been increased. 29003000
Magical power has been increased. 6080
Health has been decreased. 350250
Recipe (build path) changed. Scepter +
Tenacious Drape +
Scepter +
Tenacious Drape +
Golem's Gift
Magical power has been increased. 6070
Magical power has been increased. 5060
Magical power has been increased. 6070
Health has been decreased. 250200
Celestial Spellblade scaling has been increased. 40%50%
Magical power has been increased. 5560
Tainted Scepter
Magical power has been increased. 6570
Immobilizer scaling has been decreased. 5%4%
Fire Blossom
Prevents the purchase of Brimstone.
Blaze damage has been decreased. 2515
Blaze damage against immobilized targets has been increased. 50%100%
Raiment of Renewal
Haste has been decreased. 1510
Regenerator healing has been increased. 10%15%
Synthesis has been reworked. Increase all healing received by 15%Gain health regeneration equal to 1% of your total bonus health
go Riktor carry and Narbash supp EZ W